Category Sin

Can Christians Lie?

Now, that title might seem a little cute. Of course, Christians are capable of lying, that is, they have the ability to lie. However, this is what I am getting at: is lying permitted by Christian ethics? Let me back up a couple steps. The other day I pressed the “scan” button on my car […]

Why Have Corporate Confession?

A corporate act of confession on the Lord’s Day is, historically, a no-brainer. Back in the day when the body of Christ was understood as a body, not a conglomerate of individuals having an emotional moment, it was common place for Christians to kneel together and with a communal voice confess their sin together. Why? […]

Many Sons To Glory

A snippet of an Advent sermon concerning Romans 9:25-26. The question is not: why would God save some and not others? The question is: why would God save any of us at all? When the boots are on the ground, after we understand this high theology, how does this play out? How does this work […]

Covenant Confession

One of the sins of God’s people is that of covenant presumption. First we presume the covenant, like the Pharisees, “We are sons of Abraham and have been slaves to no one.” We sometimes assume that just because we consider ourselves Christians, that the covenant is secure. There is also another form of covenant presumption. […]

Repentance Is Never Wrong

I thank God for the Ashley Madison hack. Right along with the Planned Barrenhood videos, this hack has exposed the dark heart of men and women and the reality that our sins are never committed in secret. Our sin will find us out. However, on this list of names from the Ashley Madison hack, I […]

The Liberal Death Camp Elite

My last post which roped together a video from the Center for Medical Progress and refutations of some pro-murder arguments garnered a little discussion in other areas of social media (for which I am grateful). From those discussions I received some more argumentation from supporters of Murder Inc. and without further delay, here are some […]

All Covered In Blood

Watch this video, One of the best things that we can do as Christians is to get the wicked to defend their wickedness. Show the supporters of Planned Barrenhood this video and ask them to defend the organization. The best offense for Christians right now is offense. So, get to work. As you get to […]

God Is Truth, And Your Mouth Is A Pit Of Lies

“Where there is no regard for truth, when men can subscribe to oaths and vows with no intention of abiding by their terms, then social anarchy and degeneration ensue. Where there is no fear of God, then the sanctity of oaths and vows disappears, and men shift the foundations of society from the truth to […]

A Question Of Good Works

On Sunday evening we gather to worship the Lord and learn His Word, and near the end of the service we have room for some questions if those in attendance have any. Last Sunday I finished teaching through Titus, and I drew attention to Paul’s seven-fold use of the word works in the letter. Good works […]

Eve From Adam Part 1

21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22 and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23 And Adam […]