A Smattering of Goodies

For the past two weeks Charles Haddon Spurgeon has come up nearly everyday. This is due, in part, because I am currently reading through a collection of his Farm Sermons which are very good indeed. Another reason is that I have an awesome mother and she is flooding her Facebook page with Spurgeon quotes (did I already say she is awesome?). Then Ligonier released The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon for their free book of the month, and Logos has released The Works of Richard Sibbes vol. 1, which is endorsed by Charles Spurgeon (go figure), as their free book of the month. And finally, just this morning, I received an email from a blog about Charles Spurgeon that is rather illuminating, Ordinary Cook, Unlikely HeroThere, that about covers it for Spurgeon today.

Also, check out Kevin DeYoung’s nuggets of wisdom concerning sanctification, 10 Errors to Avoid When Talking About Sanctification and the Gospel. If this discussion piques your interest, be sure to get his book, The Hole in Our Holiness.

And here is a wonderful plea from the younger generations to the older, and I wholeheartedly agree, A Better Country for Old Men.

David Murray has put together a list of simple loving actions that when combined, have a great impact. This is worth the read, and worth the effort, 10 Love Challenges.

And be sure to check out the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary’s new blog and their giveaway of a free digital version of A Guide to Biblical Manhood.

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